The content marketer’s funnel

A framework for everything you need to start your content strategy.

Your recipe for success includes:

  • Understanding your audience—directly measure audience engagement with content on your sites and apps to understand your audience.
  • Informing your strategy—leverage 30+ content metrics to craft your content strategy to drive your business forward.
  • Focusing on value creation—use content conversions and attribution to understand the true impact of your content, and to fine-tune your strategy.

The concept of the Content Marketer’s Funnel is reminiscent of a sales funnel. It provides businesses with a structured yet flexible framework to create content that seamlessly guides buyers through their journey, from the initial introduction to the decisive purchase.

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Third Door Media, Inc. is a publisher and marketing solutions provider incorporated in Delaware, USA, with an address 800 Boylston Street, Suite 2475, Boston, MA USA 02199. Third Door Media operates business-to-business media properties and produces events. It is the publisher of Digital Marketing Depot the leading resource center for digital marketing strategies and tactics.