Call Tracking Guide to Channel Marketing

How to Maximize ROI & Impact While Limiting Risk

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Most marketers recognize the need to measure and optimize phone calls. However it’s often a project just over the horizon, or they choose to deploy call tracking in isolated channels and campaigns where there is an obvious and specific need.

The catch is without call tracking, it is difficult to know exactly where call tracking is needed,
and the return it provides. Untracked conversions leave marketing data incomplete, compromising the ability to demonstrate the full impact of all marketing efforts.

This white paper will provide digital marketers with a practical approach to help you evaluate your need for call measurement and optimization across all your marketing channels. You will learn which types of call tracking products are best for specific channels and ultimately how to arm yourself with the data needed to fully assess your campaigns.

Sponsored by Mongoose Metrics

A leader in call measurement and attribution, Mongoose Metrics and its Mongoose Marketing Suite deliver phone call insights and ROI intelligence across all marketing channels, empowering digital marketers to measure, analyze and monetize their campaigns and prove return.

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