How do you attribute revenue across a team of ads?

Today’s webcast “5 Ghastly PPC Mistakes to Avoid” had some lively questions, including one that was a perfect setup for an upcoming webcast (no, we didn’t script the question, really):

“We currently track assist clicks, but am unsure about how to give credit to them. Some conversions occur w/ no assist, while other convversions take as much as 6 assists. Do you have any suggestions?”

Here’s one suggestion — join us for our October 28 webcast: Measuring an Ad’s Value, which is the kickoff for ClearSaleing’s Attribution Management Forum.

The Attribution Management Forum has been created by ClearSaleing to bring together the leading online advertising minds to help collectively identify, evaluate, vet & ultimately recommend the best attribution valuation practices and methodologies.

We’ll use a unique presentation style — taking advantage of the interactive polling questions — to allow greater audience participation and input.

Measuring an Ad’s Value: A Forum Discussion
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 – 1 PM EDT

In this webcast, we will
*Describe the tracking technology required to determine the actual team of ads and their sequence that lead to the conversion (the Purchase Path™)
*Explore various ad attribution classifications
*Review some common attribution issues and scenarios
*Survey all participants on best allocation methods for given scenario

Register now – it’s free!

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