Our webcast on Thursday, October 22, focuses on call tracking and analytics: what it is, who should use it, and ways to succeed.
While tracking online activities through web analytics has become an integral part of most marketing programs, using call tracking to capture the online-offline conversions is often overlooked. Yet having the ability to measure the source of a phone call can dramatically increase the overall ROI of a campaign.
Neal Polachek, CEO of The Kelsey Group, will give some background on the evolution of call tracking, and the potential for marketers who use call analytics.
Leigh McMillan will address questions such as who should use call analytics, what data is valuable to track, keys to success, and what to look for in a call analytics provider. She’ll provide three case studies that demonstrate the power of call tracking; she also show how marketers can use call analytics to capture offline conversions and improve overall conversion rate.
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Maximizing Conversions: The Power of Call Tracking and Analytics
Thursday, Ocrober 22, 2009 – 1 PM EDT
Neal Polachek, The Kelsey Group
Leigh McMillan, Marchex