Internet Trust Marks: Building Confidence and Profits Online

The fear of fraud, spoofing, phishing, identity theft, and lax website security have a sizeable percentage of consumers wary of using credit cards online. Having the right website security solution in place is not enough by itself to turn the tide.

Having trust marks on your site is one of the best ways to convey the notion of site security and establish peace of mind with would-be consumers. Trust marks are proven to strengthen consumer confidence, help drive sales, boost margins and enhance a website’s competitiveness.

Learn how recent trends in Internet trust marks can help restore confidence in online shopping, and as concluded by at least one recent study, even induce those who do shop to spend more.

Sponsored by VeriSign
VeriSign Trust Services, now part of Symantec Corp. (NASDAQ: SYMC), provides solutions that allow companies and consumers to engage in trusted communications and commerce online. With more than one million web servers using VeriSign SSL certificates, an infrastructure that processes more than two billion certificate checks daily, and a logo that is seen up to 250 million times a day, the VeriSign check mark has become the most recognized symbol of trust on the Internet.

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